Jamaica/UNDAF 2012-2016 Report

Jamaica/UNDAF 2012-2016 Report

December 4, 2013

The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2012-2016 is an expression of the United Nations system’s continuing commitment to and co-operation with the Government and people of Jamaica. This UNDAF is a vehicle for strategic partnership and is fully aligned with national priorities articulated in key strategic frameworks including Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan, the Medium Term Socio-Economic Policy Framework and the Millennium Development Goal.

The proposed UNDAF Intermediate M&E Framework incorporates results chain information through identification of key areas of technical support and ongoing projects supported by UN agencies that directly impact expected results. This information is absent from the original UNDAF M&E Framework or Results Matrix which made it impractical to assess what specific areas of an agency’s work would contribute to UNDAF outcomes overall.