Remarks - Small grants for COVID-19 response and recovery to artisanal and small-scale mining enterprises

August 17, 2020

UNDP Resident Representative Denise E Antonio


Denise E Antonio, UNDP Resident Representative 

Official Handing Over 

Small grants for COVID-19 response and recovery to artisanal and small-scale mining enterprises, and official handing over of the National Minerals Policy under the ACP EU Development Minerals Programme Phase II

Via ZOOM, Monday 17 August 2020, 11:30 a.m. to 12p.m.



 Ambassador Malgorzata Wasilewska, Head of Delegation, European Union

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Mining, Dr Alwin Hales

 Commissioner of Mines, Mines and Geology Division, Mr. Roy Nicholson

President, Mining and Quarrying Association, Mr. Anthony Morgan

 Members of the Media 

Other distinguished ladies and gentlemen

Good morning to all.


UNDP is honoured to be a part of the ACP-EU Development Minerals programme funded by our valued partner, the European Union and nationally anchored by the Mines and Geology Division of the Ministry of Transport and Mining, since 2014.  The programme’s objective of ensuring a reliable and sustainable supply of Development Minerals is essential to poverty reduction through job creation and small business facilitation – with potential impact on economic growth.

As we transition to Phase 2 of the Programme (2019-2022) designed to enable artisanal and small-scale mining enterprises (ASMEs) in the Development Minerals sector to achieve better livelihoods through higher employment and incomes, this second phase of the programme has an enhanced focus on improving gender equality within the sector.

COVID-19 has thrown a curve ball, testing the mettle of small-scale operators who have been hard hit during this pandemic. Mandatory and necessary physical distancing protocols and disaster risk orders have slowed market spending and crippled many small-scale business operators, including ASMEs.

With the IMF projection of a contraction of the Jamaica economy by 5.6 per cent in 2020, UNDP, as co implementor of Phase 2 of the ACP-EU Development Minerals Programme with the Mines and Geology Division,  acknowledges that small scale operators require support to successfully navigate the COVID crisis and in turn support the government’s plans to resuscitate the economy.

I am pleased that our interventions to support COVID response and recovery among ASMEs have been successful, demonstrated by this morning’s handing over ceremony of small grants valuing 51,000 Euros [J$9M] to 12 ASMEs.  These grants will enable the grantees to strengthen their safety, business and emergency responses to the impacts of COVID-19.

While noting that only 22% of the grantees are females, increased efforts will be made in collaboration with agencies through small business facilitation, to achieve two (2) of UNDP’s six (6) signature solutions of - achieving empowerment of women and eradicating poverty.

As ASMEs successfully implement business and emergency response measures, lessons will be learned of how lives and livelihoods were protected, and crisis resilience strengthened in the small business community during this unprecedented time.

Your success is a win for your families, your communities and Jamaica’s economy. It will also highlight the importance of the Development Minerals industry and how it contributes through more jobs, increased income, stronger businesses and greater contributions to GDP.

I am also particularly pleased of this morning’s handing over of the National Minerals Policy, a deliverable from the Phase 1 programme, that provides a well needed policy framework for this emerging sector which, as previously mentioned, can contribute to Jamaica’s social and economic development while maintaining economic integrity.  In fact, in 2019, the Mining Industry contributed 2.7%/€1B to the nation’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

I congratulate the grantees and recognize the support provided by Rose Town Foundation for the Built Environment, an NGO which is responsible for the disbursement of the grants to the private mining sector.

Let me express my appreciation to the Ministry of Transport and Mining for the strong collaboration and more importantly offer a special thanks to the European Union for their continued generous support and contribution.

I am confident that with all our efforts, this sector will continue to play an important role in making Jamaica the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.